For as long as I can remember I have loved flowers, Living in Utah County, some of my favorite memories involve wandering around Thanksgiving Point's Ashton Gardens. I remember when they opened and the thrill of finding the "Secret Garden." I was obsessed, The landscaping there is beautiful, but what always drew me back was the flowers, rose bushes, ivy, honeysuckle, it's all so unique, beautiful, and peaceful.
In High School, I finally put my love of flowers to work and started designing! In fact, I got special permission to repeat the floral design class because I loved it so much. I started small. I first created boutonnieres and corsages for High School dances along with the occasional centerpiece. Once I started I could not stop and it has just gotten better from there!

After High School my floral business was on hiatus for 18 months while I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ 2015-2017. The name "Mei Flower" is an homage to those days spent in beautiful Taiwan among the most beautiful people, places and flowers I've ever seen. In Mandarin Chinese the word "Mei" means Beautiful, to Beautify/Prettify, or be pleasing. I couldn't think of a better description of flowers if I tried.
Thus was born, Mei Flower Designs!
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change. ”